Cash King Royal: City Rush – Is it a scam?
This time we will review if Cash King Royal: City Rush is a scam or paid , so stay until the end to know everything about the app and if you should use it or it is just another waste of time. Also remember that in the comments you can leave us your experience, this way we can know the reality and discuss among ourselves.
Before continuing with the article, remember that I will base it solely on my experience, I am not trying to promote the game or encourage you to try it, I am just looking to give an opinion. Just like you, we are users, we have nothing to do with any study or app, we only seek to help other users so that they don’t waste their time and can focus on apps that really help them. If an application is legitimate, I will tell you so you can use it in peace. The same if it’s a junk app, I’ll let you know.
Another thing before continuing is that in the final part of the article you can find the names of some lists that bring together apps that do pay and can help you. I recommend you check the lists since there you will find everything from games to apps that pay you for answering surveys, etc. Best of all, each app has an article where you can find more information. Without further ado, let’s see if Cash King Royal: City Rush is a scam or pays.
What is Cash King Royal: City Rush?
Curiously, Cash King Royal: City Rush is about building a city, but it also opts for a game of chance in which you must press a button and hope for the best. To tell the truth, it is not a game like anything I have seen before, the only thing that draws attention in general is its promise of giving money, it has nothing attractive beyond this. The game is extremely simple and beyond the excitement of the first minutes, there is nothing interesting.
In case you’re wondering, the app was created by KIEN VAN NGUYEN , a study that we have not seen on this blog so far. From what I could see, the studio has so far published 4 other applications and all of them are presented as a game to earn money, although this time I will focus only on this one. All the advertisements that I have seen for this game are always intended to attract the public’s attention with large amounts of money, the problem is that it seems that this is just a lie.
Personally I don’t like games that promise large amounts of money, they are almost always a lie and it is easy to see it from afar. You always have to keep in mind that games can help us earn a little extra income, but nothing more, so that can answer you if Cash King Royal: City Rush is a scam or pays.

Installation and registration in Cash King Royal: City Rush:
The app is easy to find with a quick search in the Play Store, although you can always enter from one of the ads that appear so often. If you cannot find it or it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone, for this there is no solution and it is best that you look for other options.
No type of registration is necessary to enter, so don’t worry about this point. You won’t need to leave your data in an app you don’t trust.

How does it work?
How Cash King Royal: City Rush works is based solely on pressing a button and hoping for the best, whether it’s something to build or money that you can use for different items that you will need. You will also have some boxes that can help you in case you get lost a little and daily logs in which you can earn even more money for your account, as well as typical game configurations.
I honestly didn’t understand the game very well, but apparently it all depends on pressing that button and hoping to collect as much money as possible. As you get money you can acquire some things and land that you can unlock as you pass the levels, with these lands you can generate more income. There’s not much you can do or wait for, after a while it gets kind of boring.
The reward is automatically delivered to your account, you can see this reflected in the box that appears at the top. At first you will not have to see any ads, but after a while it will be mandatory for you to see ads.

You can request your payment through PayPal , the most common method that can be found in apps, although this does not guarantee that it is a legitimate application. The minimum withdrawal is 15,000 euros and if that seems like a large amount worth playing for, I’m sorry to disappoint you because it’s all a simple lie.
Once you reach the withdrawal minimum it will give you the opportunity to enter your details, then it will add you to a waiting list and you will never hear from you again.

Does Cash King Royal: City Rush pay?
The truth is that no, Cash King Royal: City Rush does not pay , it is just one of the many lies that you can find in the Play Store. It will never pay you a cent, all the profits generated by the game will go to its creator. This is nothing new and that is why I recommend that you always look for information, otherwise you may risk wasting your time. It is best that you delete the game, review our lists and select an app that can help you.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:
Il Cash King Royal paga o non paga io sottoscritto Claudio ho giocato a Royal Cash ho vinto 14.999 dollari e devono ancora pagarmi un centesimo anzi ho dovuto pagare io 3.80 fr. Mi pare che tutti i giochi che ho giocato sono una truffa