Coin Tube, legit or not?
Perhaps you have already seen Coin Tube , an application to earn money by watching videos that always appears in ads and that is promoted as an app that does pay . The app is not about anything we haven’t already seen, but unfortunately it has always ended up being a lie, so it’s better to put this app to the test so as not to waste time.
Watching videos is something we do every day, so it seems that nothing is better than getting paid for it, with this we monetize our free time and take advantage of enjoying the activity that we are asked to do. Now, I must tell you that it seems that finding an application to earn money by watching videos is almost impossible, there only seem to be some apps that pay for various tasks and that among the activities include watching videos, but not one that focuses entirely on this .
Anyway, no matter what happens with this app, you can still find at the end of the article the names of several lists that have apps that do pay and in which you can surely find one that you like. Also there you can find the definitive opinion about Coin Tube so that you have a clear idea and know what to expect from them. Not being more, now let’s review this curious application to earn money watching videos and determine once and for all if it is an app that does pay or a junk app .
What is CoinTube?
As I already told you, Coin Tube is an opportunity to earn money by watching videos . An excellent way to generate extra income by taking advantage of one of the activities that we possibly do the most on a daily basis. It may happen that if this is an app that does pay , then you decide to use this app over YouTube or another similar one. The only thing you should have for sale is that it has too much advertising, in fact it will appear basically in any video you choose or in the middle of them
The app was created by Quire , a company that hasn’t released any other app so far and seems to only focus on this project at the moment. The truth is that until now I have never heard the name of this study and it does not seem to have much support and recognition from the public. In addition, no information can be found on the web about your company, so from the beginning it does not give much confidence.
Besides, I can tell you that from what I explored in the app, it doesn’t seem to be very legitimate. Coin Tube looks exactly the same as any other application to earn money by watching videos , the same methods to earn money , the same interface and even the same kind of ads that appear in these types of applications. Personally, I highly doubt that it is an app that does pay , in fact it seems to be the opposite.

Installation and registration in Coin Tube:
It is easy to find, you just have to search for it by its full name because it is quite short and has two words that are quite common among many apps in this niche. Possibly if you can’t find the app it may be because it is not compatible with your cell phone, something for which there is no solution. If this happens, I do not recommend looking for an APK because they are usually somewhat dangerous, just go to our lists or continue your search for other applications.
It is not mandatory to register to start and navigate the application, but you can do it through a user icon that is in one of the windows. A Google account or a Facebook account is required for registration.

How does it work?
Once you enter Coin Tube you will see an interface exactly like YouTube , there are several videos there and you can freely navigate through them until you find a video that catches your attention. You can find videos of well-known YouTubers or you can even search for videos of the YouTuber of your choice, you just have to comply with a period of time watching each video to receive your reward .
In addition, you must have a good patience to enter this app, since you will see a large amount of advertising, to the point where it begins to be frustrating and makes watching the videos almost impossible. From what I saw, it also has other small activities to earn coins and diamonds , these tasks are to play roulette, draw pictures, play scratch cards, etc. What I do warn you, is that you be careful with each thing you select because there are always small bubbles floating all over the screen, these are intended to make you mistake and end up seeing an ad.
To calculate your reward it will be necessary to fill the bar that appears in one part of the screen, it fills up every few seconds and each time it happens you can select it and claim your coins . The reward will not be very high , but if it turns out to be true, it will at least represent a good income .

The reward is delivered in coins and diamonds , this is because a part of the payment is made through money to options such as gift cards or PayPal and on the other side are the diamonds that are delivered to games that allow deposits such as Free Fire or the PUBG Mobile .
The minimum withdrawal depends on each option, except that this information cannot be seen on many cell phones for some reason. I suppose it is a bug that the app presents and which does not seem to be in the creator’s priority.

Coin Tube Conclusion:
I can tell you with complete confidence that this is yet another PUP trying to pass itself off as a paid app , its advertising, the insistence that it works and the amount of ads you then find yourself inside are more than obvious to find out the real reason why. the one that was created. It seems to me that it is more than evident that the creator only wanted to create an app that was profitable for him and for no one else, the users did not matter to him at all. Coin Tube is a non-paying app , so don’t waste your time on it.
Do not be discouraged by this, in the same way in this blog you have the opportunity to find some lists that contain apps that do pay and that are quite safe. All the applications are verified, so you can download them with peace of mind and generate extra income . It also has articles in which there is more information and which are updated to notify you if the app continues to pay or has become a scam .
To access the lists you must go to the menu that appears in the three lines at the top right of the screen, once you are there you must look for the following names: “Five applications that help you earn extra money “ , ” Best applications to earn extra money 2023” , “25 Best Apps To Earn Money” , “Applications to earn free cryptocurrencies” and “Applications to earn money online 2023” .
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: