Crypto Magnet – Scam or Pay?
You may be wondering if Crypto Magnet is a scam or really pays after seeing its ads constantly this week, luckily you came to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. Remember to read until the end and if you want to comment you are welcome, just remember that complaints go to the Play Store.
If this is your first time entering the blog, let me clarify that we have nothing to do with any studio or app, we are an independent site. In our articles you will find both reports of junk apps (most of them), as well as articles with applications that are really worthwhile and can help you. Our goal is always to give you the most accurate and unbiased information possible, which is why we use each app and then draw on our experience to write each article.
Also, at the bottom I will leave you the names of some lists that bring together apps that do pay and can give you extra income each month, check them out. The lists have apps that we have found along the way and they really work, they are all tested. Most apps are games, but you can find other options that pay you for any task. Anyway, let’s see if Crypto Magnet app is scam or paid.
What is Crypto Magnet?
Honestly Crypto Magnet app reminded me a lot of other games like Miner Bob or Super Miner, the only difference is that here they give you the reward in cryptocurrencies while the others gave it in FIAT money. Anyway, the fact is that you just have to throw a magnet across the screen and catch some cryptocurrencies and then exchange them and get the money. There isn’t much to see and the game doesn’t offer much fun either, it’s something you use for commitment and not to pass time.
The app was created by OVIVO Games, a studio that has quite a few publications, although most of them seem to go down a completely different path. So far the company has published 25 other applications and only one appears to offer a reward, the others seem to be simple games that are not having much success and that is where the problem comes. Reviewing it, I noticed that this seems to be the most successful app and look, it’s just the only one that offers money, you know where this is going, right?
Many creators choose to lie rather than let their projects die, and a large portion of them choose to offer a reward that will never be real, but is great for getting anyone’s attention. The best thing will always be that you doubt that and look for information, as in this case, wondering if Crypto Magnet app is a scam or paid will save you a lot of time.

Installation and registration in Crypto Magnet:
Finding the application is easy, I still recommend that you also check the name of the studio that created it and make sure you install the correct one. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and there is no solution for this.
It is not necessary to register to enter, the app does not ask you for any personal information or email.

How does it work?
Once you enter Crypto Magnet you will have what would be a small tutorial, only it is not very clear and ends up creating more questions than it answers. After this tutorial you have a screen with many boxes that were never specified for you and a nice doll with which you can start playing, for this you just have to press the screen.
Basically your goal seems to be to catch as many cryptocurrencies as possible once the magnet goes down, something you accomplish by tapping the screen. In addition, once the magnet goes down you can start handling it with your finger so that it is more accurate when capturing the cryptocurrencies you want. To operate the magnet you have to press the screen and, without releasing, drag it to where you want it to go. As you will notice, some cryptocurrencies are more important than others and when you catch them it’s all over.
The reward is added to your balance and you can see it at the top of the screen, it just doesn’t allow you to enter the box. You will have several ads that supposedly multiply your earnings, but this is nothing more than a lie.

If what you expect is to receive a payment through Binance or Coinbase, you will be left waiting because this is all a lie. The application does not pay , it is all part of a theater so that you believe that you will be rewarded and in this way you are encouraged to install the game, but it is not true.

Does Crypto Magnet pay?
The truth is that no, Crypto Magnet does not pay, it is just a junk application that is not worth it. The game does not seek to benefit any user, that was never its objective, it only seeks to use people to see ads so that income can be generated. Only one person will get money and that will be the creator, no one else will benefit. It is best that you delete the game and look for other options.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: