Daily Scratch Paypal Cash Card – App:
If you wonder if Daily Scratch Paypal Cash Card is a scam, after seeing its ads, you came to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. Remember to read the entire article to find out the answers you are looking for.
For this article I will base it solely on my experience, I am not seeking to promote the application in any way. My results may differ a little from your results or from some reviews that you may find on the web and this is perfectly normal, I would still appreciate it if you could leave me in the comments how your experience was. On the other hand, don’t forget that this blog is independent and each app we talk about first goes through some filters to find out if it works or not.
Also, if this application doesn’t work it doesn’t matter, at the end of the article you can find the names of some lists that bring together apps that do pay, check them out. Each list has different applications, all of them are proven and can help you generate income. Ok, now let’s see if Daily Scratch Paypal Cash Card is scam.
What is Daily Scratch Paypal Cash Card?
It seems that this week we added disappointment after disappointment as Daily Scratch Paypal Cash Card ended up being something much simpler and more repetitive than I thought. I went in expecting a full-featured app where I could find different tasks and activities that would give me a reward, but I found only excuses to make me watch ads. Again, I have nothing against commercials, but there are apps that border on abuse.
This particular app was created by Insta, INC, a company that I have no reference to and that has published three other apps so far. Curiously, all the applications are focused on getting money online, but two of them are paid books or apps that you cannot get unless you are willing to pay. Of course, these paid apps are the least successful and which would explain why their creator suddenly launches projects of this type.
Apparently anything goes to get downloads on the Play Store, even lying to users with something as delicate as a payment, so I ask you to stay alert and always look for information in impartial sites.

Installation and registration in Daily Scratch Paypal Cash Card:
Finding the application is simple, however I recommend that before installing it you also check the name of the company that created it and avoid confusion. If you can’t find it or it doesn’t give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and there is no solution for this.
To enter you must register using a Google account, otherwise you will not be able to access the app.

How does it work?
Basically how Daily Scratch Paypal Cash Card works can be summarized in one thing: ads. No matter what activity you do or what you are willing to do to get those coins, everything will end with an advertisement and in fact, there is a box that directly gives you the option to see them to get your desired money. You also have a menu at the bottom that doesn’t lead to anything important, it just highlights the wallet.
The app had some bugs on my phone, although it was nothing major, I still tell you this so that you know that you can encounter bugs and that it is not the fault of your phone. Now, in the main tab there seem to be only three functions, a roulette wheel, a scratch card and a box that allows you to watch videos, although the latter cannot be seen well and no matter how much I try to lower the screen it does not allow me, that It is the most notable failure of all.
Your reward is automatically added to your balance, you can see this in the box at the top. As always, they will give you a welcome bonus to create the illusion that you are close to the minimum payment, but nothing could be further from the truth.

You can request your payment through PayPal and Google Play, although for the latter it asks for your phone number, you decide if you give it or not. The minimum payment is $1,000 dollars and before you start creating plans with that money I must warn you that it is just a scam, you will never get any payment .

Does Daily Scratch Paypal Cash Card pay?
I’m sorry to disappoint you because I know you really wanted to earn money, but Daily Scratch Paypal Cash Card doesn’t pay, it’s just another junk app. No matter how much you try and play, you will never be able to reach the minimum unless you see ads and the way I see it, this benefits the creator more than any user. Also, the payment will not reach you, but if you want you can try, just don’t forget to leave me your experience in the comments.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: