Deep Sea Exploration – Scam?
Maybe you are wondering if Deep Sea Exploration is a scam or paid and you have just come to the right place, here I will tell you everything you need to know about the app to know if it is worth it or not. Stay until the end, there I will tell you everything.
If this is your first time reviewing the blog, I invite you to review our other articles, there you can find information that can help you. There are both articles about apps that do pay and can help you, and apps that are garbage and have become quite popular. Remember that this is an independent blog, we are not looking to promote or promote any of the applications we talk about. When we find a legitimate app we say so. The same if it is a junk app, I will tell you so you don’t waste your time.
Also below I will give you access to several lists that bring together apps that do pay and can help you, check them out. Each list has unique applications and they are all tested, so it is safe to use them. Any questions you have regarding these applications can be left in the comments, we will respond as soon as possible. But hey, let’s see if Deep Sea Exploration app is a scam or paid.
What is Deep Sea Exploration?
Deep Sea Exploration is a game similar to Jewel Pop Blast, that is, another puzzle game in which you must match a few pieces in exchange for getting your reward. Games like this are nothing new and in fact every day it is more common to find them in the Play Store, which is why many of the creators choose to lie when promoting their games. In addition to placing ads every second, of course.
The app was created by Tristanore, a company I already know well on this blog, having reviewed all the other apps they have published. So far this company has published two other apps, Bee Go Bingo and Maya Pusher Master, games that were also promoted as a way to make money and ended up being a total lie. If you look closely, you will notice that the pattern this study follows is to copy extremely popular applications and then lie to get an audience.
I understand that the illusion of being paid to play can be quite great, but it is best not to trust the first application of this type that you find. Asking yourself if Deep Sea Exploration app is a scam or paid was more than valid and is what will save you time.

Installation and registration in Deep Sea Exploration:
You can find the application easily, you just have to write its name correctly in the Play Store and you will find it at the top of the list. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and for this there is no solution, you must look for other options.
To enter, it is not necessary to make any type of registration, so you should not worry about this point. The app will not keep any of your data.

How does it work?
I think that you must already have how Deep Sea Exploration works unconsciously in your brain, after all, it is nothing more than another imitation of Candy Crush. In addition, you will also have some help in each level in case you run out of moves and feel lost and as if that were not enough, sometimes the game itself shows you the pieces that you must join. You will also have the typical configuration boxes and the withdrawal box.
Your objective is nothing more than to join the pieces with a line, but to do this you must make sure that they are identical and represent the same animal. Each tile that you manage to join will help you earn points to pass the level and the best of all is that here it doesn’t matter if they are tiles that are diagonal to the group you have, you can still join them. Keep in mind that to get groups that add points you must have at least three tokens that are the same.
The reward is added once you finish the game to your box, which appears at the top of the application. Advertisements will be commonplace and will certainly become mandatory at some point.

You can request your payment through PayPal only, although this is the most popular option and accepted by the entire public. The minimum withdrawal is $50 dollars and although I know that as extra income they can help a lot, I recommend that you believe this lie.
Once you reach the minimum payment it will make you watch ads and then add you to a waiting list, but it’s all a setup. Your money will never arrive .

Does Deep Sea Exploration pay?
No, Deep Sea Exploration does not pay, it is just one of the many lies that you can find in the Play Store. After reviewing all of Tristanore ‘s apps, it is clear to me that their projects are nothing more than a lie, an excuse for users to see ads and in this way generate money for the creator. The best thing is that you delete the game and look for a real option, for this you have our lists.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: