Delight Steps App – Review:
You may wonder if Delight Steps is a scam or paid after seeing its ads, luckily you came to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. If you want to know all the information, don’t forget to read until the end.
Before starting, I remind you that this blog is independent, we have no relationship with this app or the studio that created it. Through this article we seek to inform and warn users about what they may find in the app, if you try it it will be at your own risk. I also invite you to finish reading and review our other articles, in them you can find some reviews about other applications that also offer money and are quite popular.
On the other hand, at the end of the blog I will leave you the name of some lists that bring together apps that do pay, check them out. Each of the lists has different applications, all of them are proven and can help you generate money. Anyway, let’s see if Delight Steps app is a scam or really pays.
What is Delight Steps?
Delight Steps is an app like any other walking app, in it you can find a board that keeps track of your steps and some extra activities that can help you earn more coins. Of course this promise sounds quite interesting, but the reality is that many times it is just a junk app and from the beginning I saw some signs in this app that indicated this to me.
The application was created by Life Wellnest Studio, a company that does not have any other public company so far. Finding information about this company is really impossible, you can only see some information about the app in the description of the Play Store and nothing else. It is also not easy to find information about the app since it has a common name that leads to different results.
At this point, an app that promises money for walking is not strange, the strange thing is that it pays. Make sure you always look for information on trusted sites and don’t trust the first app that promises you a payment.

Installation and registration in Delight Steps:
Finding the app is easy although it may not seem like it, for this you just have to enter its name in the search engine and also check the name of the company, this way you will avoid any confusion. If it does not give you the option to install the app, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone since it is available to everyone.
To enter you do not have to make any registration, it does not even ask you for basic information such as your height or weight.

How does it work?
As you can imagine, once you enter Delight Steps you will find a board with several numbers and some boxes at the bottom. The numbers are to keep track of how many steps you have taken during the day and the boxes below present you with different tasks that can help you complement your reward. You will also have a menu at the bottom that allows you to navigate through the entire app.
It seems that this app does not ask for any permissions, which makes everything even more suspicious, how are they going to count steps if they don’t even have access to my physical activity? Anyway, the app has some inconsistencies that, from my point of view, reveal what the creator’s intention is. In addition, the games it has and the other options are nothing more than a junk app, to this we must also add the constant ads that appear.
Your reward is automatically added to your balance, you can see this at the bottom of the screen. As always, the ads will promise you more profit, but this is just a deception.

You can request your payment through Amazon and from time to time you will see other gift cards from different brands as withdrawal methods. The minimum payment is $35 dollars for which you need a large amount of coins, although it does not seem to be a problem considering that they give you a large amount for any task.
Now, the reward you receive will decrease over time, there will come a time when you won’t get many coins and you will have to opt for ads, that’s the trick. Ads only benefit the creator and make you create a false illusion, it is best that you ignore them.

Does Delight Steps pay?
I know you were probably expecting a positive response, but the reality is that Delight Steps doesn’t pay. This game does not reward any users, it only uses them to generate income through ads and for its creator we are disposable, we do not matter at all. It is best to delete this application and look for other options, for this I invite you to review our lists.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: