GamesUp! – Gold & Gems, scam or pay?
This is a well-known application to earn money by answering surveys , it is GamesUp! – Gold & Gems and it is an app that if you pay , this is already proven. You can read to the end and understand how to use it or try it on your own with the link below, although I recommend that you read and clear up any doubts you may have.
In this article I will speak only from my experience, it is a brief summary of all this and if you want to add something else, you can do it in the comment box. If you know how to use it, this can become one of the best applications to earn money answering surveys or at least, one of the ones you like the most and one of your favorite apps that do pay .
Anyway, before starting I remind you that we do not have any alliance with any study, so we do not promote applications, we only give our opinion and we base ourselves on our own experience. Also, if you read until the end you will be able to find the names of some apps that do pay , there are several applications to earn money by answering surveys and others that pay you for various tasks .
What is GamesUp! –Gold & Gems?
As I told you, it is an application to earn money by answering surveys mainly, although you will also have some other offers. GamesUp! – Gold & Gems is primarily based on Work-to-Win , as they have chosen to call it. The fact is that it is based on performing different tasks, but above all, giving your opinion of different brands and stores so that these companies can carry out marketing studies.
In case you’re wondering, the app is created by BitBurst GmbH , a studio that is quite trustworthy and usually builds apps to earn money by answering surveys . All their applications so far have been apps that do pay , simple to use and with a fairly user-friendly interface. They all look alike and you can use them at the same time if you want to in order to earn more money .
The only thing I recommend is that when you fill out your profile, you lie a bit, this to make it more attractive to the company and to receive some extra surveys. If you have already installed an app from BitBurst GmbH, you may want to skip the next step, since it is the same for all of them.

Installation and registration in GamesUp! – Gold & Gems:
You can easily find it in the Play Store or if you wish, you can go to the link below and access it directly to install it or check if there are any compatibility problems. If the latter happens, the best thing will be that moments with another app of the style, the APKs can become dangerous.
Once you enter you can register through a Google account, a Facebook account or enter with a guest code, this only in case of being referred by someone.

How does it work?
When you enter you will have several boxes with which you can interact, including one to set up your profile, withdraw your money and take the surveys that will allow you to complete your profile and receive more options. After this you have the main tab, in it you can browse all the offers and see the amount of time each one takes you, as well as the money they pay you for it .
Certainly GamesUp! – Gold Gems has a notification system to notify you when a survey is available, but I recommend that you check it yourself since sometimes it does not notify you. The best thing is to enter the app whenever you can and take advantage of this free time, dedicating considerable time to it daily, you can reach the goal in a short time and thus get your money .
Regarding the reward , I can only tell you that it varies depending on each of the surveys, even the time they take, although it will always be reflected in your account as soon as you finish each one.

In this application you will have two options to request your payment , one is through gift cards and the other is through cryptocurrencies . You can freely choose the option that is most comfortable for you, just keep in mind that it may take a little longer to reach a minimum withdrawal than the other.
You see, the minimum withdrawal is $10 for gift cards and $15 for cryptocurrencies , although at least you won’t be charged any fees for the latter.

Conclusion of GamesUp! – Gold & Gems:
If you wish, you can install it, it is a good application to earn money by answering surveys and it has a good number of surveys available, something that is rarely seen. Remember to create an attractive profile if you want to have a larger amount, since just being in the region we are in will always be a bit difficult for us. GamesUp! – Gold & Gems is an app that does pay , so feel free to make the decision based on the Elo that I tell you.
If you want to find more apps that do pay and in which you can have several task options to choose from, you can go to the lists that the blog has. To access these lists, you only need to look for the following names in the blog’s own menu: “Best applications to earn extra money 2023” , “Five applications that help you earn extra money” , “Applications to earn free cryptocurrencies” , “25 Best Apps To Earn Money” and “Applications to earn money online 2023” .
You can also review all the articles that the blog has and thus know which app is reliable and which is not. You can also leave any name in the comments and in this way we will review it as soon as possible and we will tell you if it is an app that does pay or just another junk application . The same if you want to leave any doubt or suggestion.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: