Lucky Bingo Winner is an app that promotes itself online as a pay-to-play app, which is false. The platform expresses several deceptions to attract new users and retain them within the app as long as possible. The reality is that the app does not pay and uses the rewards strategy to make itself known. Lucky Bingo Winner is already a successful app in the Google Play Store, as many people believe that they will be able to win money through it.
Read carefully the following review of Lucky Bingo Winner, which disproves all the hype.
Lucky Bingo Winner: is it legit?
Lucky Bingo Winner is not a legitimate app, as it does not pay what it claims and uses misleading advertising to make itself known. This app has a high rating in Google Play Store, but it is all about reviews paid by the developer company to make the app project a good image. The platform has several fraudulent strategies to attract users and retain them within the app as long as possible.

What is Lucky Bingo Winner?
Lucky Bingo Winner is an app that presents the traditional bingo game, which was created by the developer hj game, an inexperienced brand in the world of apps. As a bingo game, Lucky Bingo Winner allows you to play with up to four cards at a time, this in order to have higher winnings. The interface is rather bad and the game doesn’t present any major innovations. The app will offer you to win some bonuses and a roulette that allows you to win more coins.
To download Lucky Bingo Winner on your cell phone you just have to go to Google Play Store and search for it by its name. If you do not find it, it is because it is not compatible with your device.
To start playing within the app, the platform will not require any registration, so you can start playing directly.
How to play?
When you enter Lucky Bingo Winner you will have some instructions and test games so that you can better understand how it works. Every time you start the game you will enter a new space in which there is a cardboard for you to place all the numbers that the app randomly gives you. The goal of the game is that at the end of the turn your cardboard has at least one complete line of five. It doesn’t matter if it is horizontal, vertical or diagonal. You have to look at the bar at the top, there will appear some balls that have a marked letter that indicates the row you should look for and a number that is the one you have to mark. There will also appear a scratch bonus and a roulette that can help you to get more coins and bills.
The rewards you can find are of two types: coins and bills. However, that doesn’t matter because you will eventually discover that the app is fraudulent.
When it comes to cashing out your winnings, Lucky Bingo Winner does not offer any payout method, nor a minimum withdrawal amount. The winnings you see inside the game are fictitious and you will never cash out a penny of what you have won.
Conclusion of Lucky Bingo Winner
Lucky Bingo Winner does not pay because it is another fake app of the many that exist in the Google Play Store. You should not download this app to your cell phone and if you already have it downloaded, delete it right now. Lucky Bingo Winner forces users to watch many ads for the developer to earn money, without ever paying them for their time. The app is a waste of time and the best thing to do is to avoid it.
If you want to earn money through legitimate apps, you should simply explore AppsPayingMe. This website analyzes every app that comes on the market and checks if it pays or not. Here you will find legitimate apps that pay for various activities: playing games, completing offers, performing tasks, etc.
Choose an app you like and generate extra income while you entertain yourself in your free time.
Lucky Bingo Winner does not pay.