Lucky Joker App – Review:
You may be wondering if Lucky Joker is legit after seeing it in some ads, luckily you came to the right place because I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. Don’t forget to read the entire article and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments.
Before continuing, I remind you that this blog is independent, we have no relationship with the application or the studio that created it, we are users just like you and we seek to help you avoid junk apps. We look for apps in ads and test them to see if they are real or not, then we write about them to inform and warn our community. In each article you can find an honest and unbiased opinion no matter what the result is.
Also, if this application doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t matter, at the end of the article you can find the names of some lists that bring together apps that do pay, check them out. All the lists contain different applications and most of them are games, although this does not mean that it is the only thing you can find. Anyway, let’s see if Lucky Joker app is legit or scam.
What is Lucky Joker?
Everything seems to indicate that Lucky Joker is a game of chance, a casino adapted for cell phones so that more users have the possibility of using it. Now, personally I do not like games of chance and from the blog we have a policy of not promoting them, even so we know that some of our readers use them and look for information to know which sites are trustworthy, which is why I finally decide to make this article.
This application does not currently appear in the Play Store, I don’t know if it was deleted or it was never there, but I can tell you that an APK is always riskier than an application that is approved by Google. If Google is passed on apps that exist and deceive users, imagine what will happen to applications that do not comply with any controls and are on pages designed by their creators themselves. Always make sure you download files from a trusted source. No matter how much money they promise you, the risk is not worth it.
Any application that offers money should be treated with caution, currently that is the best strategy to attract users’ attention and few studios have the real intention of paying you the promised money.

Installation and registration in Lucky Joker:
Finding this application is somewhat difficult because it is not available in the Play Store, the only way to find it is by entering from one of its ads in other apps. As I tell you, you must be very careful since the reality is that you install an APK and no one knows its origin or if it is a safe file.
Once it finishes loading, it will ask you for some information for registration, although it seems that it is an interface that does not belong to the original application.

How does it work?
If you manage to install Lucky Joker, it will open a screen in which the interface of what appears to be a gaming platform that does not have much to do with this game will load. From what I saw, the name corresponds to an online casino brand that is not very successful, but has a presence in several countries, although if it must resort to forms of promotion of this type, I doubt it is legal.
Personally, I couldn’t install the app from the first link I found and finding another entry was a real challenge, but after a few minutes I was able to find what looked like the official website of the app, although the result was not what I expected either. . Once I tried to download the game I was only redirected to a new page in which the interface of the company that I mentioned before is loaded, it is as if it were their facade to make themselves known, but as I say, if you resort to this type promotion is because it is not legal.
Your reward, as always in these games, will depend on the money you bet and how lucky you are, just remember that the house never loses and that good streak you may have will end at any moment.

The app as such does not have payment methods, the options that you can find after registration are from the page and personally I do not find them reliable. This app does not pay and I find it quite dangerous, so I recommend that you be cautious and not give out your details, much less deposit money.

Does Lucky Joker pay?
Definitely not, Lucky Joker does not pay, it is just a junk application that I recommend you ignore since you can run a lot of risk if you install it. Whenever you are going to download an app to your phone, make sure it is an app that is in the Play Store and if not, at least check that it is from a reliable source and does not contain any virus. If you already have this game on your cell phone, I recommend that you delete it and if you have not installed it, it is best that you stay away from it.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: