My Cash – Make Money Cash App – Is it scam?
Today I am going to tell you about My Cash – Make Money Cash App , an opportunity to earn money online that has become popular in recent months and that attracts a lot of attention, so I checked it to find out how true its promise is. Stay till the end if you want to know if My Cash – Make Money Cash App works or is it just another PUA.
Before continuing, I want to remind you that this blog has nothing to do with any study or app, so you can trust the opinion that you will find here. Everything I will tell you is based on my experience, I am not interested in lying to you or recommending something that does not work. We do not promote anyone, we only review applications to help other users not to waste their time and find some opportunities to earn money online that will help us all.
Another thing is that regardless of the result, at the bottom you can find the names of some lists that gather apps that do pay. I recommend that you review these lists, surely there you can find some that help you and at the same time have fun. But well, let’s continue with this game and see if My Cash – Make Money Cash App works or not.
What is My Cash – Make Money Cash App?
Entering My Cash – Make Money Cash App you can find a fairly simple interface, it has the necessary buttons and boxes and nothing else. The creator seems to have wanted to simplify everything, it reminds me a bit of Make Money or Cash Galaxy in any case , but much simpler. Nor will you have commercials that bother you at all times since although there are ads, they do not appear indiscriminately as they do in other apps.
The app was created by My Cash , a studio I thought I knew about but upon reviewing I realized that I don’t. So far the company has not published any other apps and it seems that it is fully focused on making this app successful, no matter what it has to do. Personally I did notice that their promises are a bit high compared to what they offer, but for this point that it delivers something is enough because believe me all I find are junk apps.
Whenever you go to an opportunity to earn money online, it is best to review the information that is available, in some cases it is a lie and in others it is not even worth it even if you really pay. Do not trust what you see in the advertisements either, the information is generally manipulated to make them more attractive to the public.

Installation and registration in My Cash – Make Money Cash App:
Because its name is somewhat generic, it’s best to search for it by its full name and also check the name of the studio that created it, so you’ll be sure to install the correct one. If you cannot find it, it may be due to compatibility problems or it is not available in your country, whatever the case, there is no solution for any of them and it is best to look for another option.
It is not mandatory to register to enter, in fact it does not even have a box within the app that allows you to do this.

How does it work?
Once you enter My Cash – Make Money Cash App you will have a fairly simple interface and just a few boxes that you can choose from. You also have some configuration aspects, but what matters most to us is the box that takes us to the available games, the one that says “Get Cash” and activate the permission that it requests so that it can calculate your reward.
When you enter that window you will have several options that you can try, at least in most cases, since many users complain that options simply do not appear there and this was my case. You can navigate freely if they show you several games, review and select the one that catches your attention by clicking on its logo. Each game will have its own rules and they will also be external games, so you must make sure you have space on your mobile.
The reward is calculated for each minute of play and that is why you must give the tracking permissions, so the app will know how much you played. Luckily here you will not see any type of advertisement in exchange for a reward.

You can request your payment through PayPal, Google Play and some games that are quite popular among young people, you can see them right in the same menu in which you find the first two options. The minimum withdrawal “varies” depending on the payment method you choose, this is due to the conversion because you will always need 7,000 bills or points to make your first payment . There are also other amounts that you can consider, but in this app it is a bit difficult to get money.

Does My Cash – Make Money Cash App pay?
Honestly, this point was the most complicated, until the moment I tried to use it, not a single game ever appeared to test it and from what I could read, I was not the only one that this happened to. Now, on the other hand, there are user comments that ensure that the app does pay , but as I told you, these comments are easy to buy or get. It is best to leave it at My Cash – Make Money Cash App not working because even if you do pay, it will be very difficult to reach the minimum threshold.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: