Solitaire Kingdom: Card Game A Game That Pays You? [Review]

Solitaire Kingdom: Card Game – Does it really pay?

You may already know  Solitaire Kingdom: Card Game,  an  app to  earn money playing games  that is promoted as a  paying app . Again we find ourselves with another card game that promises to pay us, although we hope that this time it is something real.

It is not uncommon to see hundreds of games on the Play Store that are promoted as an  application to earn money by playing games . It is an infallible marketing method that manages to attract a large audience and that is why many creators use it in their campaigns. The problem is that most of them turn out to be lies and that is why you have to be very careful with each game you install and, if possible, look for information beforehand to know clearly what will await you. In this blog we have nothing to do with any study or app, we are only users who, like you, are looking for an  application to earn money playing  or  an app that does pay  of any kind.

Also, regardless of the result, at the bottom you will have the names of several lists that gather  apps that do pay . As I told you, in this blog we do not promote anyone, so the applications that you will find in these lists are apps that from our own experience we have noticed that they  are paying . Feel free to try any of them and find the one you like best. By the way, leave us in the comments how your experience was to expand the information.

What is Solitaire Kingdom: Card Game ?

Solitaire Kingdom: Card Game is a solitaire game, just as its name indicates. If you don’t know how to play this type of cards, don’t worry, luckily the game itself comes with instructions and even corrects you when you make a mistake by placing the cards in the correct row. The interface is very well built, everything looks very well programmed. The problem is that from the first moment annoying ads appear. This is something very typical of PUAs that try to pass off as  apps to earn money playing games , so you can always have this as a sign that something is wrong.

For all this you will wonder who created this application and if there is any type of information on the web and no, there is no type of record. This is  MoHouseStudio , a studio that so far has not published any other game and it seems that it really does not need it, since it is determined to achieve success with  Solitaire Kingdom . All you will know about this company is due to the constant ads they launch to make their game more popular. In each of these ads you will see more than tempting offers for anyone and as always, the promise that this difference from others, it is an  app that does pay , an  application to earn money playing that you can trust, although it doesn’t seem so true

Personally, whenever I see an  application to earn money by playing games  that in each of its ads shows us a huge reward or a very easy way to get it, I am wary, since they generally tend to be  junk apps .

Solitaire Kingdom: Card Game

Installation and registration in Solitaire Kingdom: Card Game :

The app is easy to find, even if it doesn’t seem like it. You can still check the name of the study and thus make sure you install the correct one. If you cannot find it, it may be because it is not compatible with your cell phone, in these cases there is no solution and I recommend you follow another app. 

You will not need any kind of registration to be able to play. This time you should not enter an email or something similar, you just focus on playing

Solitaire Kingdom: Card Game

How to play?

When you enter  Solitaire Kingdom: Card Game  you will find yourself directly with a board in which there are several rows located and all of them have spaces for you to place new cards. Besides, in the lower part of the screen you will have some cards that are going to pass to you and that you must take care of locating in the different places. You will also have some boxes to access the basic settings of the app and your account, in which the earnings will be added automatically  .

In case you don’t know how solitaire works, apparently you have to place the cards in a specific order according to their value. This means that you must pay close attention to the letter and number that each card has, as well as the color of each one, since this will also influence the result. You will have both a black deck and a red deck and apparently you must alternate between colors. Just as I told you at some point in the text, you can easily make mistakes since the game itself will take care of correcting you and placing the cards in the correct place. Don’t forget that you also have some help on the screen in case you get stuck or don’t know what movement to make.

Now, the  reward  will be distributed in the middle of the game and divided between  coins  and  bills . They will both go to a different account and you can easily access both. In addition, after a while, the option to view ads to  multiply earnings will be unlocked , as is customary.

Application to earn money playing - app that does pay


You can  request your payment  to different methods such as  PayPal ,  PayTM ,  Cashapp ,  MercadoPago , etc. and also to  gift cards  such as  Amazon ,  Google  Play ,  Steam  etc. The  minimum withdrawal  for the first options is  $20 dollars , while in  gift cards  this is  $1 dollar , although you can always access different figures for the two options, but you are expecting to wait too long. For example, in  Fiat money  it goes from  $20  to $200 bucks  and certainly  no app is going to pay you all that .

Application to earn money playing - app that does pay

Does Solitaire Kingdom: Card Game pay?

Solitaire Kingdom: Card Game doesn’t pay,  it’s all a sham. The game is well programmed, it becomes enjoyable to a certain point, before they start inundating you with annoying ads that are even interactive. But hey, this is the goal of the creator, that you install his game and see as many ads as possible, since this is the way he monetizes and most of his earnings will come from these ads that you see. . The best thing is that you delete the application and whenever you find a supposed  application to earn money playing games  that is full of ads, hesitate. At the moment I recommend that you review this blog, since here you will find some  apps that do pay ..

As I told you, here we have been lucky to find some  apps that if they pay,  are gathered in lists. Check them, you will surely find your favorite application there. All the apps that are there are verified, apart from they have an article in which there is more information and a link for you to install it from the Play Store. Feel free to try whatever you want. Below you will have the link to the most extensive list of all, you just have to press your name and it will take you directly there.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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