Solitaire Tripeaks: Cloud City – Scam or Legit?
If you are wondering if Solitaire Tripeaks: Cloud City is a scam or really pays , you have just come to the right place, I will tell you my experience so you can make your decision whether to use it or not. Remember that for this article I will base it solely on my opinion, the blog does not seek to promote the app.
Before continuing, I remind you that this blog has nothing to do with any studio or app, we are an independent site. Like you, we are users, we look for apps that pay and we know how annoying it is to find a junk app, which is why this blog was born to help you. If an application is legitimate, I will tell you so that you can use it with confidence. The same if it is a junk app, I will tell you so you don’t waste your time on it.
Also, it doesn’t matter what the result of this app is or if it doesn’t convince you, at the bottom you can find the name and access to several lists that bring together apps that do pay, check them out. The lists mostly have games, although you can find other options that pay you for any task. Ok, now let’s see if Solitaire Tripeaks: Cloud City is scam or paid.
What is Solitaire Tripeaks: Cloud City?
Solitaire Tripeaks: Cloud City is like any other solitaire game you’ve seen, only it has graphics that are more than interesting if we take into account that we are talking about another adaptation. In this blog I have seen several similar applications, Solitaire Go: Tripeaks is just a clear example of how studios seem to trace down to the smallest detail and then publish each game with striking promises and gain an audience.
The application was created by CYBERNAUTICA, a studio I know because I reviewed another of their apps a while ago: Slots Online. Apparently this company only publishes games of chance and always promises real money to its users, but in the end it ends up washing its hands with the excuse that it is only a fictitious reward, something that is never clarified in the commercials. It is best that you never try a game of chance, even if it really pays.
As always, two pieces of advice before continuing: look for information before installing any app that offers money and do not look for games of chance, they can be quite dangerous. Wondering if Solitaire Tripeaks: Cloud City is a scam or pays was really a good decision and the best thing you can do.

Installation and registration in Solitaire Tripeaks: Cloud City:
You can find the app easily if you search by its full name, otherwise I recommend that you carefully check the name of the studio that created it to avoid any confusion. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and there is no solution for this.
To log in, it does not ask for any registration and it does not give you the option to connect your Facebook account, something that is common in its apps.

How does it work?
The way Solitaire Tripeaks: Cloud City works is quite simple since it is a solitaire game. You won’t have any competition or time limit, you just have to make sure you organize the cards correctly. Unlike other games of chance, here it seems impossible to lose and even more so when the same app helps you organize them in case you are taking a lot of time.
Your objective is to organize the cards in ascending or descending order, the important thing is that it is in a correct order. I also noticed that interspersing colors does not seem to matter as in other games of its type, here you can pass two red or two black and there is no problem. Every time you finish a game, the cards that you managed to organize and also the cards that you have left in the deck will be added, in this way the profit is calculated.
The reward is automatically added to your account, you can see it in the left corner. You will have the option of watching some ads to multiply profits, but I do not recommend it.

You are supposed to win real money with this game, but the reality is very different. Once you log in you can start earning coins, but these can only be used in the game. You will never get a real payment , it’s all a scam.

Does Solitaire Tripeaks: Cloud City pay?
No, Solitaire Tripeaks: Cloud City does not pay, which is unfortunate because I know you were expecting another answer when you searched if Solitaire Tripeaks: Cloud City was scam or paid, but it is better that you know the truth. This game only serves to generate income for its creator, no one else will benefit. If this is your first time looking for a game of chance, I recommend that you don’t do it again. It is best that you delete this game and look for other options.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:
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