Super Habit App – Review:
You may be wondering if Super Habit is a scam after seeing it in several ads, luckily you came to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. That an app offers us payment for something as simple as having healthy habits is something incredible, which is why I have given myself the task of trying it and seeing how true it is.
Remember that for this article I will be based solely on my experience, I am not seeking to promote or promote the application in any way. This blog is independent, we do not have any type of relationship with the application or the studio that created it, we only seek to inform other users who, like us, are looking for paying apps. If it is your first time entering the blog, I invite you to review our other articles, in each of our reviews you will be able to find an honest and impartial opinion.
Also, if this application doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t matter, at the end of the article you can find the names of some lists that bring together apps that pay and can help you. Each of the lists has different applications and they are all tested, safe to use. Ok, now let’s see if Super Habit app is scam or works.
What is Super Habit?
Basically Super Habit is an app in which you must follow a strict and healthy routine to earn coins every day. Personally, I think it’s a good idea, especially if you are looking to change some aspects of your life and take care of your health a little more, but from there to paying us for it, I think there is a big difference and this will be what I will verify in this article.
This app was created by LargeBunny, a studio I know very well since a few months ago they disappointed me with their other app, Clip Coin. As I see it, it is nothing more than a company launching various titles with the aim that someone gets lucky and gets the money and downloads that the creator seems to be hoping for and although the two apps have received a good reception, this does not seem to be the case. still enough.
The company has already failed once and I doubt that this time it will be different, a company that begins its path out of ambition is not going to think about the well-being of its users, so be careful.

Installation and registration in Super Habit:
Finding this application can be really complicated depending on the country in which you live. The popularity that the app has obtained is not the same in all countries, so it will be easier to find it in some regions. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and there is no solution for this.
To enter you do not have to register, although in some cases it will ask you for information such as your age or weight.

How does it work?
Once you enter Super Habit you will see an interface in which there is a lot of data, all focused on giving you a healthy routine to follow every day. Among the different tasks that you can find are drinking water, getting up early, walking, having a drink, etc. All that the app will ask you for will be something normal, activities that are part of our lives and some improvements that can contribute to improving our health.
To start earning coins you just have to record your activity in the app, that is, if you have just had a glass of water or gotten up you must go to the app and select the option that confirms that you have already completed this task. For each task you will receive some coins and you will have some extra aspects that can give you a good bonus, but most of the time this involves watching ads and I don’t think that is what you are looking for.
Your reward is automatically added to your balance every time you perform a task, you can check this in your transaction history. Remember that you must enter the app often since the tasks have schedules in different sections of the day.

You can request your payment through Mercado Pago or Uala, although it seems that the withdrawal box does not appear on all phones. The minimum payment on my cell phone does not appear, so I would appreciate it if you left this information in the comments, it would help me complement the article.
This app frequently has flaws and on most phones it does not even provide the option to register, so I do not consider it to be safe.

Does Super Habit pay?
The truth is that no, Super Habit does not pay, it is just one of the many junk applications that you can find in the Play Store. This application has great potential and can work for those users who want to improve their daily habits, but in no way does it help you make money, so if your goal is this perhaps you should look for other options.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: