Super Miner: Dig Gold – A Game That Gives You Money? [Review]

Super Miner: Dig Gold – Scam?

Perhaps you have already seen Super Miner: Dig Gold , an app that pays to play or at least this is what it says in each of its ads, a promise that we have seen many times but that has rarely been true. I tested the app for a while in order to find out if it was true or not and here is everything I found out.

Remember that for this article I will base myself solely on my experience, the blog has nothing to do with any study or application. The opinion that you find here is always sincere, we do not hide any results from you, even if they are negative, and you can see this reflected in each article since they are mostly complaints of junk apps. Check them out, maybe you have one of these PUAs and you don’t know it yet. If an app is legitimate I will tell you so you can use it with confidence. The same if it is a junk app, I will tell you so you do not waste your time.

Also, no matter what the result of this app is, at the bottom you can find the names of several lists that gather applications that are paying. I invite you to review these lists, there you can find apps that pay you to play, as well as survey apps or micro tasks. Anyway, let’s see if Super Miner: Dig Gold works or is it just another waste of time.

What is Super Miner: Dig Gold?

Well, Super Miner: Dig Gold is a simple game just like Super Miner (yes, they almost have the same name) and Idle Gold Miner, games that stand out for being extremely repetitive and without grace. It is assumed that all we have to do is “mine” and for that they will give us our reward, something that if true would make it an app that pays to play more than convenient because the task to be carried out is minimal.

Noticing the similarity it has with the two games that I named you, I thought they had been created by the same studio, but reviewing I noticed that it was not. The app is created by Infinite Huang and this is a studio that has not published any other app or game so far. Everything seems to be in charge of this app, if it is successful or not, the future of the study will depend on it, that is why you see so many ads for the same thing and so many promises that attract the attention of anyone.

When you see an application that promises to give you money without much effort, be wary, it will always be a lie. There is not a single application that is going to give you money easily, and even less if we are talking about amounts as large as those they promise, they are simply unsustainable.

Super Miner: Dig Gold

Installation and registration in Super Miner: Dig Gold:

The application is easy to find but it can be confused with other apps that have a similar name, so as not to fall into that it is better that you also check the name of who created it. If you can’t find it, it may be due to a compatibility problem with your cell phone, something for which there is no solution.

It is not necessary to make any type of registration to enter the app, so do not worry about this point.

Super Miner: Dig Gold

How does it work?

The operation of Super Miner: Dig Gold is so simple that from there I suspected that there was something wrong because as I told you, no app gives you money for something so small. Once you enter you will find yourself face to face with what is your avatar, you will also have a machine there that has a small claw and a pasture that is free and in which from time to time things appear.

As you can see, the claw will swing from side to side and this is what we should take advantage of. Every time the claw goes in the direction or is pointing to an object that is thrown, you must press the screen and it will go out, grabbing everything that is in its path. It can be a diamond, small objects, chests, Amazon cards, etc, you will always have something and each thing will give you a different reward . You also have some help on the screen, in case you need it.

Your reward will automatically appear in your balance, a small box that you can see at the top right of the screen. They will give you less and less and from a moment it will be mandatory to see ads.

App that pays to play


You can request your payment through PayPal, PayPal, NPay, PayTM, Yandex Money, OVO and Mercado pago . As you can see, what is left over here are the withdrawal methods and they all have the same minimum payment of $250 dollars up to $6,000 dollars , but I imagine that you already understood that this is not possible. You also have coins that you can redeem through Amazon when you have at least $1,000 , but it’s almost impossible to get.

No application is going to give you that much money, it is not sustainable and the creator hardly earned that money for himself. Every time you see an app that pays to play with this promise, it’s best to ignore it because it won’t be true.

App that pays to play

Does Super Miner: Dig Gold pay?

Definitely not, Super Miner: Dig Gold does not pay , it will only waste your time and distract you from apps that can help you. The intention of its creator is that you see ads and thus generate a profit that he will later save, but they will not give anything to any user. The best thing is that you delete this game and check our lists, there you can find applications that are verified and are paying.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:


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