Trek Tally – Scam or Pay?
You may be wondering if Trek Tally app is scam or paid and you are in luck because that is what we planned to answer in this article. Stay until the end and find out everything you need to know if the app is worth it or it is better to look for another option.
For this article I will base it solely on my experience, the blog has nothing to do with any study or application. Our intention is not to endorse or promote any of these games, we just want to give our opinion so other users know what to expect. You are welcome if you want to tell us how the app went as we seek to create a community to protect ourselves from junk apps, just keep in mind that any complaints must be made in the Play Store.
Another thing before continuing: at the bottom I will leave you the access and names to several lists that bring together apps that do pay and are verified. Each list has different applications and they all have articles where you can find more information. Any questions you have can be left below, we will respond as soon as possible. Without further ado, let’s see if Trek Tally app is scam or paid and really worth it.
What is Trek Tally?
Trek Tally is exactly what you would expect from any step counting or fitness app; You will only have one task and it is something you do daily. The truth is that this application looks like another replica, I could have easily confused it with Wonder Step Joy or StepUp and this is because their interfaces are similar and by the way, the three applications are full of ads and offer money as an incentive to install them.
Although it is an app very similar to others that are out there in the Play Store or that I have reviewed, it was not created by the same company as one might expect. On this occasion the application was created by Greek Donair , a studio that has not published any other application so far. Everything seems to indicate that this company is currently seeking to be a success story with just one project and that is why you can see so many ads everywhere.
As is customary, the marketing strategy of many of these applications is based on lies and this time was no exception. For a new user it is easy to fall in and wonder if Trek Tally app is scam or paid, but if you have been reviewing apps of this type for a little longer, you probably already know the answer.

Installation and registration in Trek Tally:
It is an easy application to find even though it may not seem like it, just make sure you type its name correctly in the search engine and also check the name of the studio that created it, this way you make sure you install the correct one. If the app does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and there is no solution for this.
Unlike other fitness apps where they ask you for information such as your height or weight, here they don’t ask you any of that. You just have to install and enter the app normally, then you must approve the permission they request.

How does it work?
Using the Trek Tally app is quite simple since it only consists of walking, a task we do every day without receiving anything in return. To use the app, you must first give the tracking permission that allows you to count the steps and kilometers you travel in a day, although this can be a somewhat dangerous permission and I ask that you consider it carefully before accepting it. You will also be able to see some ads on the platform, so you get free coins without any effort.
Your objective is nothing more than to walk and meet the daily goal that you have on the main board, there you will see how each day the number of steps you must take varies. Once you meet your goal you can receive the earnings for having walked, only they always show an ad before adding it to your account. You can actually say that the app rewards you for watching ads and not for walking, as expected, but this is a fairly old trick in the Play Store and only benefits its creator.
The reward is added to your account once you reach your goal and view the ads. In fact, the last thing is the most important thing in the app, since if you don’t see the commercials you simply don’t receive anything.

You are supposed to be able to request your payment through PayPal, although I don’t know if there are other options since the app did not allow me to see this complete information. If you have it, I would appreciate it if you left it in the comments. The minimum withdrawal is $300 dollars and yes, I know it may be the best thing that has happened to you so far, but it is not true.
Once you reach the minimum payment threshold you will have to watch even more ads and it will all be in vain because you don’t get paid . All is a lie.

Does Trek Tally pay?
No, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but Trek Tally app does not pay, it is just another waste of time of the many that you can find in the Play Store. The only objective of the application is to get money for its users, that is why it shows you so many ads, but no user will receive any benefit for using it. The best thing is that you delete it and leave that space free for an app that is really worthwhile.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: