Wonder Step Joy – Does It Pay You To Walk?  [Review]

Wonder Step Joy – Scam?

Well, maybe you came here because you are wondering if Wonder Step Joy is scam or paid after seeing some of their ads and luckily for you, I am going to give you the answer you are looking for. Stay until the end and find out if it’s worth using or just another junk app.

Before starting, remember that the blog has nothing to do with this or any application or study, we are just users like you and we understand how annoying it is to find junk apps. Our goal is to help you, I am not going to hide any results, it does not matter if it is negative or positive, you will find out everything. If an application is legitimate I will tell you so you can use it with confidence. The same if it is a junk application, I will tell you so you don’t waste your time and look for other options.

Also, no matter what the result of this application is, at the bottom I will leave you the names and access to some lists that can help you. Each application there has its own article in which you can find more information so that you are clear about its use, although you can leave any questions you have in the comments, I will answer them as soon as possible. But hey, let’s see if Wonder Step Joy app pays or is a scam.

What is Wonder Step Joy?

Wonder Step Joy is similar to StepUp, an application that I recently reviewed and which basically seemed like a carbon copy of it. Both apps offer you money for walking and their interface is quite similar, but not only that, they also have quite a few ads that can appear at any time and interrupt without warning. The concept of fitness apps is nothing new, but the fact that they offer money is, and the problem is that many of them do not have a real project behind them that can support the payment of rewards.

In case you’re wondering, the app was created by Yoko Fly , a studio that has not published any other app to date. Everything seems to indicate that the objective at the moment is to be successful with this application and that is why it invests so much in marketing and in the process adds some lies, in this way it easily attracts attention and achieves its objective: for you to download the app. Now, I can tell you with the experience I have that this never turns out well, a project that has no plan simply cannot be sustained and apparently this application is not prepared to support any payments.

I understand that you are excited to find an application that pays you for walking, after all it is an activity that we do every day and it is better to get paid for it, but you should always be careful. Asking yourself if Wonder Step Joy app is a scam or paid was a good idea and what I recommend you always do, never trust the first app you see.

Wonder Step Joy

Installation and registration in Wonder Step Joy:

The app is easy to find, you just have to make sure you type its name correctly in the search engine and check the name of the company that created it to make sure you install the correct one. If you can’t find it, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone. For this, there is no solution and it is best to look for other options.

To enter, it is not necessary to make any type of registration, you just have to enter and follow the instructions.

How does it work?

The way Wonder Step Joy app works is quite similar to any other app that counts steps, only this time some games and ads are also added to earn your supposed rewards. Once you enter you will have the typical dashboard in which you will see a counter and also some numbers at the bottom that show you the calories you have burned and the amount of kilometers you travel daily.

Your main goal is to walk, but you can find some other things like games that you can access from the menu that appears at the bottom of the screen. The games that the app has are nothing more than simple copies of other games, only even worse. They are also full of ads since the goal of the app is this, that you see as many ads as possible. You can choose to perform either of the two tasks, but if you choose to combine them you will reach the minimum payment faster.

The reward is automatically added to your account every time you meet your daily goal or get coins in a game. At first you won’t have any problems, but as always, then ads will start to appear.


You can request your payment through PayPal, Google Play, CashApp and Amazon , although PayPal is always recommended , but in this case it doesn’t matter. The minimum withdrawal is the same in all options and it is $500 dollars, which can tempt anyone, but the truth is that it is just a simple lie.

Once you reach the minimum threshold it will make you enter your data and then you will just wait, you will never get anything. The payment is a simple lie .

Wonder Step Joy

Does Wonder Step Joy pay?

The truth is that no, Wonder Step Joy app does not pay , it is just one of the many junk apps that you can find in the Play Store and that will waste your time. The only objective of this application is for you to see ads and in this way its creator can profit, but no user will receive payment for using it. It is best that you delete the application and leave that space free for an option that is really worth it, for that you can check our lists.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:


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