Walk The Distance The app really pays to walk [Review]

Walk the Distance – Legit App or Scam?

You may have already seen  Walk the Distance , an  app to earn money by walking  that presents itself as an  app that does pay . The concept is simple and we have seen it several times, unfortunately always as a big lie, let’s just hope that this time it won’t be like that.

I tried the app for a while and here I will tell you everything I found. To understand the app, remember to read until the end, since there I will tell you if it really is an  app that does pay  or just another  garbage . I also want to remind you that the article will be based on my experience and if you are not convinced, you can use it and leave us in the comments how it went. We have nothing to do with the studio that created it or the app itself, so we don’t mind hearing the truth. If in the end it is an  application to earn money walking  that works then it will be fine, but we are not going to lie in case it is the opposite.

Besides, I recommend you read to the end because there you will have the name of several lists that gather  apps that do pay , regardless of the result of this. Although I warn you that finding an  application to earn money walking  is not very easy and they generally  pay little . If you still want one, check the lists because there are some and maybe you can find an  app that pays  and can supplement your income.

What is Walk the Distance?

Walk the Distance is one of those  walking money making apps  that happens to be particular in its desire to stand out. Here for example, we will have some simulated routes through the most popular hiking spots around the world and whether or not it makes sense is not something we are going to discuss today. All we care about here is whether it really is a  paying app or not .

Of course, another aspect that matters to us is who created it and I am sorry to tell you that it is a study without any experience. This is  Virtual Walk LLC  and so far it has not published any other project. If this is done in order to focus solely on this app, I don’t know, but it could be said that it is, and it is possible that we will continue to see its ads for a long time. For this reason, it is important that you know all its information first-hand, so when it reappears presenting itself as an  app that if you pay,  you will know what to expect.

At the moment, something I am sure of is that it has not even drawn up a financing plan to go around offering rewards to its users. Look, I’m not going to lie to you, that this is a  legitimate application to earn money walking  is very difficult. Everything seems to indicate that it is just another  junk app .

walk the distance

Installation and registration in Walk the Distance:

The application looks easy to find, although I still recommend you also check the name of the study, with this you will be sure to install the correct one. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems, something for which there is no solution.

To enter you will not need any type of registration, not even data about your physical condition or things like that.

walk the distance

How does it work?

When you enter  Walk the Distance,  the first thing you will find is a list of the most popular hiking sites. It seems that this is because in this way you can pretend that you are there or prepare yourself if you are about to go to any of these places. The truth is not completely clear to me and the app as such is somewhat confusing. There is nothing that specifies what it is about and the only thing you will get when you press one is that it will load a map with the number of steps you must take.

The interface and its goal seems to be a bit different from any other  walking money making app , although in essence all you have to do is walk. If you don’t understand the app well, it’s fine, the only thing is that you grant some permissions so that it can run in the background and measure the number of steps you take daily. After that you just have to choose the “route” you have to follow and walk as much as you can. If possible, leave the app in the background all day so you can add steps even when you don’t remember this app exists.

Now, the  reward  that is so important and for which we are here is not a topic that takes center stage. In fact, very little is said about it again and if you check all the boxes, the only thing nearby you will find is a  shopping box  that I recommend you not use.

Application to earn money walking - app that does pay


Despite the fact that in several advertisements  Walk the Distance  is presented as an  application to earn money by walking , it seems that this is a lie. There is no withdrawal box  or any  payment method  that can tell us that the reward offered is real. Everything is a lie to attract public.

Application to earn money walking - app that does pay

Does Walk the Distance pay?

Walk the Distance is an  app that does not pay , in fact it is a very curious app that is far from resembling the typical one in this sub-niche. The fact is, you can’t wait to get paid here, it won’t happen. The app is more than anything for you to invest money buying one of its maps and in this way the creator gets resources, but it will never give users anything. If you want an application that helps you monitor your physical activity, you can search the Play Store, there are good free options there. 




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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