Alphabet Brawl: does it really pay?

Alphabet Brawl is an app that is promoted on the internet as an app with which you can earn money playing. The reality is that this platform does not pay players and carries out misleading advertising to capture and keep users captive.
Read below the following review of Alphabet Brawl and find out how it deceives users.

Alphabet Brawl: is it legit?

Alphabet Brawl is not a legitimate app, as it does not pay any of the fees that it states. The platform resorts to misleading advertising to defraud users.

What is Alphabet Brawl?

Alphabet Brawl is a mobile game available on the Play Store for Android devices. The platform consists of a puzzle game that promises to be entertaining and will make you earn money. The app was created by developer 300 gamestudio, a company famous for creating fake apps.
To download Alphabet Brawl to your cell phone, simply go to Google Play and search for it by name. The platform does not require any registration, user name or personal data, so you can start playing directly. This is a negative aspect of the app, as there is no record of your evolution as a player.

How to play?

Once you enter Alphabeth Brawl you will see a board in which there are several empty squares and a tile placed to trace the path you must follow. Below you will see tiles that have a certain amount of numbers.

Your goal as a player is to throw the dice and prevent them from crossing each other and blocking. You will have to leave free space to combine them with others. The next step is this: when you see a die with the same color and the same amount of points as the die you are going to roll, you must route the dice along that path. The goal is that they collide and combine to make way for a new one with a higher number.
The biggest negative point is that the reward appears in the middle of the game, totally random and you have no control over the rewards you get in the game.


When it comes to cashing out your winnings you will discover that Alphabet Brawl has no payment method and no withdrawal box. The platform is blatantly lying when it says it pays to play. It’s all an internet advertising hoax to lure unsuspecting users.

Conclusion of Alphabet Brawl

Alphabet Brawl is a fake app that does not pay and will only waste your time. The best thing to do is to ignore this app and never download it on your cell phone. If you already have it downloaded, you should uninstall it right now. This platform will only waste battery and take up space on your device.
If you want to earn money by playing, explore this website, AppsPayingMe, and you will have at your disposal legitimate apps that do pay to play. Simply choose the platform you like the most and start earning money playing. Take advantage of the leisure time you have during the day and generate extra income while you entertain yourself playing.



Alphabet Brawl is a junk app and does not pay.

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