Jewel Village – Gem Magic, is it legitimate or scam? [Review]

The Jewel Village app is a game that promises to reward you with money in exchange for occupying your time using it, is it real or are we again facing a new app that does not meet our expectations? Before continuing, I must clarify that I tested the app and you can trust that everything you are about to read is completely true… stay until the end of the article!

What is Jewel Village – Gem Magic?

Among the main information of the app, we can find its updates, the last one was on October 24 and has more than 1 million downloads, will it be as good as it promises? The creator still owes us some information, since the information I could find on the platform is not enough to know in depth about the application, as I would have liked. To complement, we must be clear that we must have information of this type, which is essential to be clear about what kind of information and content we consume, especially in apps where what we seek in having economic compensation, and that often we use for hours, thus devoting most of our time.

It is important that you continue reading, as I will explain how it works and what the game consists of, which could or could not make you earn money if it is true.

This is a puzzle game, similar to those already known in which you must move the pieces to form a combination of 3 or more equal, in order to score points, at first it seems to go well, unlike in Jewel Village, the design and animation of the tiles or pieces, is different from the conventional ones, however, this is not a problem for users of the application or those who decide to download it. Do you think this game dynamic is familiar? As many of us know, the main objective is to start at level one, arrange groups of 3 figures or icons, put them together and form points, and so on until completing the levels that the game handles.

For each level that we increase, the more money we earn? In search of covering and clearing the unknowns and the despair of knowing if it will fulfill what it promises, stay with me and keep reading to find out. If you are interested in downloading the application, I will provide it at the end of the article so you don’t waste time looking for it.

The reality is disappointing, we pass levels and in that course really catches you, and although it is an entertaining game, which makes you want to keep playing and keep playing, at no time you get paid or earn money.

Installation and registration in Jewel Village :

It can become a little confusing to learn or remember the name of this application, especially for those who are not very familiar or connected with the English language, this could become negative or not so convenient, however, it does not affect the operation of the application as such, just an important point which was necessary to note.

As expected and like many other applications, it does not ask for registration, so if you do not have an email, phone number, or simply do not want to waste time creating a new account, this is a plus point for you.

As I had mentioned before, this game has a very big pro, which is the accessibility that this gives the user to be able to use it in a very simple way, since, being simply to accommodate fichar to create diagonal shapes, or groups of +3 equal figures, it does not have much science and, therefore, is a great way for those looking to pass the time, without the need to stress you for one of those games of skill that sometimes end up stressing us too much.


Here is the big problem with this application, which would not be so big if the developer did not promise to pay you as a user, it should be noted that we are facing one of many applications that will not meet your expectations, if what you are looking for mostly is a reward that goes beyond having a good time of entertainment, do not expect to win thousands of dollars playing Jewel Village, since that will not happen, that is why the importance of having come here as a reader, so you save your valuable time, in case the game was not what you expected.

Conclusion of Jewel Village:

To conclude, I had to say it, and despite the fact that the application has the same technique as Candy Crush, it is not nearly the same, since at least the app mentioned above, does not promise the unattainable, Jewel Village does not pay to play, and unfortunately there will be people who do not know about the scam that this game represents, and will download it without first having read this article that could save them a lot of time. Of course, there are apps that do pay, however, this is not one of them.

If you are interested in knowing about apps that are real and pay to play, I invite you to check the blog and help yourself not to fall for the lies of the creators. In this you will find a large number of articles in which we talk about apps that will really help you find the one that best suits you, and above all, leave a real monetary reward or entertainment.



The application does not pay

If you want to use the application and verify that this information is legit, I will leave below the download link:

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