This time we will be doing a review about Joying Step, which is an application that promises to pay, this application if it pays, it would be a great advantage, and an opportunity to add to our list of apps that do pay, there are hundreds of applications that promise the same, and let’s say that of 100, 90 are false, hopefully this time we are not facing one of these scam apps.
What is Joying Step?
This application has more than 50,000 downloads, it seems to be little, but in reality it is not, this app is the early access, except for everyone, this means that people of any age can play it, I guess it is because the level of complexity of the game is nothing high, and it is not a casino game, since on these occasions it is requested that users are of legal age.
It is an application to earn money simply by walking, with this article what we are looking for is to find out if this is true, or it is another application that lies to you and does not pay you, that is to say a junk application.
At the beginning of the game it will give you a reward of more than 250,000 coins just for logging in, I must emphasize that it gives you the option to multiply it by two, in case you watch a video, this means that if you see an ad you can win 500,000 coins.
It has many ads, in my opinion and that of most people, it is extremely annoying, as this complicates the agility of the game and how it plays.

Installation and registration in Joying Step:
Within all the bad there must be something good, and is that in this application you do not need to make a registration, many times the applications to be able to look a little more legitimate, what they do is ask you for a registration, and what they make you believe, is that in this way you will be able to have more secure your data, and therefore also the money.
This does not always work this way, since it is not necessary to give your email and PayPal account, or which platform will be used to give the deposit of money earned.
In this app you can earn money by collecting coins in small games that will appear in the application, walking, and this can be a plus if it is legitimate, since most people do this activity frequently, and we all like to earn money easily, it is also possible to open mystery boxes to win rewards, and if we are very lucky, we could win different gifts, such as cell phones, computers, etc..

Payments in Joying Step:
There is no payment, and neither a way that the application points you to be able to claim payments in case what existed, the worst of the case is that they deceive you, at the time of claiming coins, that’s pretty ugly, since many people are hoping and that this is true and it is not, I will say again that it is somewhat annoying that they make you believe that you have 250,000 coins at stake, and when you want to claim them, the button you must press sends you to an ad, and you never win the coins mentioned.
In my opinion this is a very dubious app, and I wouldn’t trust this one at all, so no, I definitely don’t recommend it.

It is sad to know that there are scam apps, that those that are from honest developers, and that does not seek in playing with people’s time, sadly it is very complicated to find an app that pays, in a platform full of Scam apps.
As you know, and as we are telling you in case you do not know, within our blog you can find a list of apps that do pay, if you are interested in knowing one I invite you to visit our blog, and thus be able to save a lot of time, and streamline your process of finding an app that does pay, thanks for getting here, and read the full article, I hope it has been helpful for you.